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XO, Kitty — Episode 2 Recap


By Lily Poh

- May 28, 2023

Episode two of “XO, Kitty” begins with Kitty running out of the welcome party. As she reaches the hallway, she thinks that Dae was chasing after her. So, Kitty yells out saying that she doesn't want to talk to Dae.

See Also: XO, Kitty — Episode 1 Recap

However, she finds out that it was the new teacher Alex Finnerty who was behind her and not Dae. As she refuses not to find answers, Kitty decides to go back to the party to confront Dae. While searching for Dae, Kitty meets Q and Min Ho. She then proceeds on looking for Dae who was at the time being introduced to Principal Jina as Yuri's boyfriend.

Principal Jina who is also Yuri's mother seems to disapprove of the relationship. As she left Dae and Yuri to tend to the other guests. Kitty finally finds the two and approached them for a confrontation. Unfortunately, the confrontation does not end well. The worst part is, Kitty crashes into the cupcake tower and slips as she tries to run out of the party a second time. Embarrassed, Kitty decides to book a ticket home and then heads to her dorm for the night.

To her surprise, Q, Min Ho, and Dae were actually her roommates. She was accidentally assigned to a male dorm. Dae seizes the opportunity to explain but to no avail, Kitty does not want to hear any of it. She only demands to have her mother's necklace back. Dae told Kitty that he does not have the necklace at the moment. He does not admit that he has been wearing it all along.

The night ends with Yuri trying to send a message to Juliana who blocks her. So, she instead shares a leaked video of her dad losing his cool with one of his employees.

The following day, Kitty tries to leave early for the airport and though she finds Dae sleeping just outside the door, that does not stop her from leaving. However, she finds a sign to stay when she saw the same exact tree and monumental rock that was in her mother's photo album just outside the building. So, she hesitates from leaving which allows Dae time to catch her before she catches a ride to the airport.

As they were about to kiss and makeup, Dae's father arrives telling him that President Han is requesting his presence. As it turns out, President Han decides to use Dae and Yuri's relationship to repair his reputation. Dae has no choice but to leave Kitty alone to go to the conference with Yuri and President Han. Fortunately, that does not break Kitty's spirit. She decides to go back to the dorm and stay.

Kitty's mother went to the same school and staying felt like the right thing to do for her. Although Q is unhappy that she doesn’t leave, Min Ho is happy that she stays. Then, all three of them caught President Han's conference on TV. To their surprise, President Han introduces Dae not only as one of his new interns but also as his daughter's boyfriend. Although Dae goes along with President Han's trickery to the public, Kitty still realizes that there was something odd and that Dae doesn't seem to be happy. Then it dawns on her that Dae is only faking it and that his relationship with Yuri is not real after all.

XO, Kitty is now streaming on Netflix.