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Who is The Mole: Episodes 1-5 Recap, SPOILER ALERT


By Mia Wilson

- Oct 18, 2022

Episode 1

The Mole begins with 12 competitors arriving in Australia’s Daintree Rainforest. They are each given a list of tasks to complete, each worth a certain amount of money. The goal is to complete all the tasks and have the most money in the end.

Episode 2

Players were challenged to break out of jail. They gave the first person to solve a puzzle the key to freedom, and the rest of the players must follow. A mind game testing the players’ ability to work together follows this challenge. In the end, they force the players to make a tough choice. Osei White was eliminated.

Episode 3

The contestants get to know each other better on a trip to the Great Barrier Reef. They are divided into two teams who must search for treasure at sea. The first team to find the treasure wins a prize. They eliminated the losing team from the competition, resulting in Samara Joy's leaving.

Episode 4

One person makes a decision that shocks the others before an elimination with a surprise twist. This person is Ryan, who trusted no one and went alone during the Outback bank heist. This led to his downfall, as he was caught by the police and eliminated from the game. However, it was his trust issues that led to his demise. In the end, Dom Gabriel was eliminated.

Episode 5

They tasked the teams with completing a mail delivery mission. The team that could move the fastest could boost the pot. However, lunch put one player in the hot seat as the human lie detector was revealed. This player could determine who was telling the truth and who was lying. The episode ended with Sandy Ronquillo being voted off.