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Who is Erin Carter? — Season 1, Episode 7 Recap


By Elliot W.

- Sep 13, 2023

In the climactic episode of the series, we find Erin miraculously alive, nursing her wounds with bandages scavenged from a nearby campsite. Meanwhile, Lena arrives at Erin's home, grappling with envy and regret as she takes in the life Erin shared with Harper, her own daughter. When Jordi and Harper return home, Lena hides in the washroom, peeking at the daughter she hasn't seen in half a decade.

See Also: Who is Erin Carter? — Season 1, Episode 6 Recap

Soon after Jordi and Harper leave for a grocery run, Lena is ambushed by Daniel's henchmen and knocked out. Almost simultaneously, Erin returns to the house in a pilfered truck, receiving stitches from Jordi. Harper looks on, struggling with conflicted emotions.

Lena meets Daniel, who fails to recognize her. She divulges that Erin was the informant who botched his gold bullion heist. He then orders a kill team after Erin and instructs his men to bring Harper to him. In the meantime, Jordi takes Harper to Olivia's home, leaving Erin to dodge Daniel's hitmen. She narrowly escapes thanks to a chance encounter with Penelope, who drives her to safety.

Throughout all this, Lena and Harper are in text communication. Lena misinterprets this as a sign that Harper wants to reunite with her. However, when Lena shows up at Olivia's, Harper flees to Jordi's side, leaving Lena devastated and angry. Her anguish is cut short as Daniel's men seem to abduct Harper and Jordi.

As Erin and Penelope converse in the car, Penelope has an epiphany about her own life and decides to divorce her controlling husband. Meanwhile, Lena calls Erin, suggesting they join forces to save Harper and Jordi. Both women, having found a measure of forgiveness, launch an ambush on Daniel. Despite a brief initial success, they're soon cornered. Lena sacrifices herself to enable Erin's escape.

Daniel, wounded but assuming Erin is dead, is suddenly startled by gunfire. Erin barges into the office, ultimately shooting Daniel dead after a tense conversation. With Daniel gone, the family attempts to move on, vacationing as a newly forged unit. But an old face, Jim Armstrong, reappears, offering Erin a dubious form of freedom: work for him, or else.

The season finale, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. Despite high stakes and adrenaline-pumping sequences, the episode doesn't fulfill its early promise. Major questions loom, notably around Erin's character depth and the narrative's internal consistency. There's a felt absence of rigorous storytelling, and if another season is in the offing, significant reflection is warranted by the creative team.

In the end, Erin emerges as an unflawed "girl boss," a characterization that doesn't quite ring true. The episode fails to deliver a satisfying resolution, marred by inconsistencies and a lack of depth in its characters. While Erin may be willing to go to great lengths for her family, the series has yet to convincingly address who Erin Carter truly is—let alone satisfy the audience's initial expectations.


4 / 10