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To Binge or Not to Binge? Game of Thrones — Yes!


By Hugo Hatche

- Sep 8, 2022

If you are like me, then you are surely experiencing FOMO from all the recent Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon talk. While the simple solution is to watch the series, the number of episodes and hours is daunting.

At this point, I am nearly convinced. But, it took a lot of research and conversations with fanatics to determine if I should dedicate myself to watching the series.

If you are having the same questions, here are some answers to why you should binge the series taking over televisions everywhere.

Bound to the Book

The "Game of Thrones" is adapted from a novel as opposed to being written by a panel of backroom writers. The "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series by George R. R. Martin, which inspires the series, contains everything the show does and much, much more.

The captivating revenge theme

"Game of Thrones" provides all you need if you enjoy watching individuals receive what they deserve, make their obligations known, or occasionally just kill someone to get their blood on the wall. Your favorite character is probably going to pass away, despite the fact that the show's characters, settings, and winds of fortune may all change. If they pass away, someone must, of course, exact revenge on them, and once that revenge has been carried out, audiences are presented with whole new character landscapes, which merely open up a plethora of new possibilities for plot development.

The Feminist Throne

You may have believed that "Game of Thrones" was a feminist manifesto when you first saw it. One person controls practically every area of the map, and almost all of them are women. And while they are all tough, the women's personalities range widely. Right next to her sister Sansa, a heteronormative vision in pink who only wants to get married and have children. Then, you have Arya, the archetypal gender-role-defying rebel. Arya has always felt more at home with a sword and shield than with a doll. Then there is Cersei Lannister, a cunning politician, and lastly, Daenerys Targaryen the queen of the iron throne.