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The Watcher Season 1, Episode 1 Recap: "Welcome Friends"


By Katrina N.

- Oct 21, 2022

People say that if something seems too good to be true, it likely is too good to be true. The beautiful house the Brannock family moves into is no exception to this rule, which they soon realize after arriving. Produced by Ryan Murphy and based on a true story, this house contains more than just one creepy element. The couple, Dean (Bobby Cannavale) and Nora (Naomi Watts), and their kids, Ellie (Isabel Gravitt) and Carter (Luke Blumm), find themselves wrapped up in the horrors of this house.

Dean over-extended the family's savings to buy the house, so they are understandably excited to move in. Although, they did not know what they had bought yet. The house's strangeness doesn't end with the neighbors or the dark figure that appears in random rooms of the house, but when a letter appears after they move in. This letter is anything but the wholesome welcome that one would expect - it is from "The Watcher." The Watcher explains that they are from a family that has surveilled this house for generations and plans on continuing their morbid family tradition with the Brannock family. The letter also takes an interest in Ellie and Carter. The police do little to quell the family's concern about the letter.

The family becomes increasingly weary of their invasive neighbors, who frequently come to their property uninvited. After a couple more frightening incidents, including finding their neighbor hiding in the house and Carter discovering his pet ferret dead, Dean pays to have security cameras installed to stop whoever is terrorizing them. At the end of the episode, the family receives another letter from the mysterious sender. The second letter lusts after the young blood of Ellie and Carter, indicating that the torment of the Brannock Family is far from over.