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The Sandman S1 E9, "Collectors" Recap


By Lily Poh

- Aug 21, 2022

In the opening moments of this episode, Rose and Lyta both become aware that their dreams are coming true. Rose is allowing dreams to come true by eroding the barriers separating the realms. Lyta says she has a better existence in her dreams than in the waking world and that she wants to go live in her dreams with Hector and their unborn child. Although there are earthquakes occurring in their dream world, their dream world slowly starts to crumble. We observe Lyta's dream world gradually quaking and shattering due to the earthquakes.

Since Lucien has been contributing so much to Morpheus' absences, there isn't much faith in him to save and manage the Dreaming. This infuriates Morpheus, but he is beginning to understand that Lucien is more than simply a librarian and may be able to provide him with explanations for what is taking place.

Of course, Lucien has the answers. He claims Rose is to blame for this, that the barriers are weaker as a result, and that because dreams are coming true for Lyta in particular, the Dreaming is disrupted, and Morpheus must take action.

For his "business thing," the Cereal convention, Corinthian takes Jed to the Royal Empire Hotel in Georgia, where he asks Rose to meet him. Gilbert, Gilbert's savior in the prior episode, follows Rose as she makes her way there.

Lyta is pregnant and thinks months have gone when it's just been two hours and is visited by Rose. Morpheus discovers them, he tells them they must leave because they are harming the Dreaming and that a ghost cannot avoid his fate by hiding in the Dreaming. Morpheus will one day arrive to take custody of the kid, which was created in the Dreaming.