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The Sandman S1 E10, "Lost Hearts" Recap


By James Law

- Aug 22, 2022

During The Corinthians keynote address at the serial killer convention, Morpheus approaches Corinthian, to reverse his rogue nightmare, The Corinthian stabs his hand. The assailant reveals that Rose, also known as the dream vortex, was growing stronger and was about to replace Dream as the center of The Dreaming. Morpheus stared in disbelief at his bloodied hand. Corinthian was making sure that everyone had a bad dream by making them all dream the same.

The Corinthian entered Rose's dozing thoughts as Morpheus attempted to awaken her. But she grew tired of them all attempting to persuade her so she decided to handle things her way, thus leaving Morpheus and his creation to engage in combat.

Morpheus faced The Corinthian in the hotel ballroom, apologizing for his terrible creation but insisting that the laws of The Dreaming must be upheld to keep the universe functioning as it does.

Morpheus addressed the crowd as it awoke, telling them he was stealing their hopes of always being right. Additionally, he forbade them from knowing just how horrific they had been, which caused them to confess to their crimes, commit suicide, and otherwise come to terms with how awful they had been.

Unity Kincaid dreamt while she slept in England of being at The Dreaming's library. She said to Lucienne, "I want to read about my unlived existence." Unity argued that since she should have been the vortex in the first place, she should have died instead of Rose.

Unity Kincaid and Lucienne soon appeared close to Rose and Morpheus. Unity died so that Rose could live. After, Rose reflected and granted her great-grandmother her vortex-hood and it was finalized.

Lyta had given birth to a boy when Rose awoke.