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The Midnight Club, Episode 2 Recap: "The Two Danas


By Patricia B.

- Oct 23, 2022

As the second episode of The Midnight Club begins, Anya becomes the focus. After having a nightmare, she wakes up to discover Ilonka awake and sitting at the desk with the lamp on. She can't sleep since she's holding out for this treatment and is convinced she's in the proper place.

Anya doesn't express her resentment to anyone. until later in the show, when it suddenly explodes in a fit of venomous rage. But this is where we're going too far.

Ilonka visits and brings up Julia Jayne again after speaking with Dr. Stanton. When questioned, she becomes noticeably alarmed and rattled but brushes it off as something that happened "a long time ago." Additionally, Stanton asserts that patient records remain private.

The children discuss their problems in group therapy. There is Dr. Stanton, who reminds them that there is no such thing as an inadequate or superficial response. However, Anya and Ilonka are at odds; the former reminds the latter that Ilonka is in therapy and that she should get with the program. Until they return to the room, Ilonka takes it in stride.

Anya is informed by Ilonka that she is merely attempting to get to know her and has no intention of causing friction. She gathers her herbal cures in a bag and walks into the forest. Once there, she encounters Shasta, a woman with extensive knowledge of names and the history of the Ancient Greeks.

Ilonka selects a bouquet of flowers but then discovers a peculiar design that resembles an hourglass carved into the tree. She eventually makes her way back to the group, arriving in time for the group origami. The guillotine Spence is using unexpectedly drops, giving him a serious cut as he starts joking about the paper cranes' work.