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The Lincoln Lawyer - Season 1 - Episode 9 Recap


By Mia Wilson

- Aug 3, 2022

Mickey checks in with Izzy at the start of the episode. She reassures him that she's fine and intends to attend a meeting following her nearly disastrous interaction with her ex.

Mickey then meets Trevor afterward. Even though the case is all but over, Trevor is determined to take the witness stand. Trevor is insistent, despite the fact that it's a foolish choice that could destroy their entire case. He still wants to clear his name in the “court of public opinion,” and believes the only way he can do so is to take the stand himself. Mickey's best course of action at this point is to make sure Trevor is ready for the challenging cross-examination.

With regard to Maggie's case, they were unable to identify the alleged gunman. Lankford goes to illegal lengths to check through and take Aquino's phone, but there isn't anything of value on it. They don't receive what they need from the flower shop. Tanya will be made to wear a wire as part of Maggie's upcoming scheme, but Mickey is worried about the threat to his client.

Trevor rises to speak. While chatting about Sonia Patel, Mickey did catch Trevor massaging his leg at one point, which is one of his telltale signals of lying. Since it is obvious that Trevor is still lying about something, he makes a note of that for later. Golantz makes the most of what little he has when it comes to his closing arguments.

Cisco uncovers some intriguing gaps in Trevor's narrative. Mickey is informed by Cisco that Kosevich's entire story is untrue. Trevor's college roommate, Pavel Kosevich, received Cisco. Pavel hung up on Cisco and detested Trevor. Ben Hoffman, who is currently the CTO of Pavel's company, was a third roommate, which Cisco only recently learned about.