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The Lincoln Lawyer - Season 1 - Episode 10 Recap


By Lily Poh

- Aug 4, 2022

The dramatic aftermath of Mickey being struck over the head by McSweeney is shown in the first scene of the episode. Maggie and Mickey are considering reconciling, but they encounter a snag when Maggie's significant case goes awry.

To save Mickey, Griggs sends the cavalry to the scene. It turns out that Griggs never carried out Mickey's SIS monitoring. Mickey kicks McSweeney as soon as he awakens. McSweeney stumbles backward and tumbles off the cliff's edge. A reporting officer has declared him dead.

Mickey instantly makes a call to Izzy to check on her. She certifies that she is still sober as she answers the phone from a recovery meeting site. It was obvious that the call regarding Izzy was a trick.

Mickey informs Griggs that Jerry's murderer had to be McSweeney. Griggs informs Mickey that he too is being targeted for murder. Although they speculate that McSweeney was the bribe, they are unsure if Trevor Elliott was involved in Mickey's assassination attempt. Griggs instructs Mickey to "be certain."

Mickey calls Cisco while icing his face at home. In an effort to determine who might be the mastermind behind everything, he asks Cisco to get additional information about McSweeney. He questions whether McSweeney carried out all of this on his own.

Cisco informs Mickey that Gloria would be in town the following day, thinking that she will be giving furniture salesman Raj the "girlfriend experience." Since she is a crucial witness for him and has been evading capture, Mickey would undoubtedly try to catch her.