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Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 5 Recap


By Lily Poh

- Jul 5, 2022

In episode 5, we learn how Owens plans to help El get her powers back. He takes her to a secret lab in the Nevada desert, hidden in an abandoned ICBM silo. But, when they arrive, El learns that Dr. Brenner (one of the villains from season 1 and the man responsible for her training in the original secret government facility) is working with Owens. The plan is to put El into a sensory deprivation tank and make her face her memories, which are blocking her access to her powers. 

Back in CA, FBI agent Harman dies in the back of Argyle’s van but gives the boys a phone number to help them find where El was taken. Mike decides they should go to Salt Lake City and look up Dustin’s mysterious girlfriend, who they know is a genius with computers. They hope she can help them use the phone number to locate El. 

In Russia, Hopper and Enzo are both imprisoned in a new part of the prison, where a creature from the Upside Down seems to be kept. Joyce and Murray are able to overpower Yuri on the flight to Russia and crash in the wilderness. They convince Yuri to work with them or they will leave him to die in the cold. 

In Hawkins, Max, Lucas, Steve, Dustin, Nancy, and Robin investigate the Creel house. They discover the lights flickering, even though the power is off. They determine that Vecna is in the same house in the Upside Down (since it is a mirror of the real world) and the flickering lights reflect his movement.

Jason and his crew locate Eddie where the crew has him hiding in a boathouse. He starts to row away, when Jason and his teammate Patrick dive into the water to catch him. We’ve already seen that Patrick is having visions, so it’s no surprise when he is taken by Vecna while swimming toward Eddie’s boat. Jason and Eddie watch as Patrick is killed in the same way as Chrissy and Fred. At the same moment, the lights in the Creel house all burst.

Watch it or Not?

Stranger Things continues to offer unexpectedly funny and thrilling laughs, thrills, and downright chills.

Another must-watch!

4.5 out of 5.


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