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She-Hulk S1 E5: 'Mean, Green, & Straight Poured into These Jeans' Recap


By James Law

- Sep 20, 2022

At the conclusion of last week's episode, Titania files a lawsuit against Jen for allegedly violating the She-Hulk name's copyright. The first few minutes of "Mean, Green and Straight Poured Into These Jeans" reveal that she's using the brand for a line of pricey skincare and wellness goods, which didn't make much sense at the time. Copyright is, as Chet, Jen's delivery driver acquaintance, puts it, somewhat of a finder's keepers situation. Whoever arrives first gets to choose the name. It is not worth arguing against.

Jen wants to overcome it on another level as well. She adds that she has never liked the moniker "She-Hulk"; it's just what people started calling her. Titania using the name shouldn't matter since it doesn't define who she is.

Only until Jen made her Hulk debut in front of the media and the general public did the appellation She-Hulk begin to be used. It is evident that Titania is promoting her goods by leveraging the goodwill of an established brand name. But this complicates matters a little because Jen has repeatedly criticized the moniker in public.

We discover that Pug buys two pairs of sneakers at once — "One to rock, one to stock" — and asks Nikki to go with him to a launch event where each consumer is only allowed one pair. But she demands a favor in exchange and wants it done right away, sending the two of them on a wild goose chase that ends with them both sporting fake "Avengers" clothing and a covert rendezvous with Pug's "drip broker." This quickly rose to the top of my list of the episode's highlights.