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She-Hulk S1 E2, "Superhuman Law" Recap


By Mia Wilson

- Sep 6, 2022

The episode begins in the aftermath of Titania's courtroom attack, in which Jen Walter made her She-Hulk debut.

In this episode, we find that Titania (Jameela Jamil) is a well-known influencer with special abilities. When a news reporter refers to her as "She-Hulk," everyone at Jen's favorite pub, Legal Ease, starts chanting that name. But her triumphant moment is fleeting. Jen's boss fires her as a result of the law firm GLK&H using She-valiant Hulk's deed to have the case ruled a mistrial.

Jen, who is depressed, attends the family meal where her cousin Ched boasts about getting promoted while her father Mel preserves the calm by posing Hawkeye-related questions.

Jen's aunt suggests that she should try styling her hair like She-more Hulk's frequently — straight, instead of curly.

Holden Holliway from GLK&H approaches Jen when she is at the pub and offers her a job. She finds out on her first day at work that the catch he wants her to lead the brand-new Superhuman Law Division. In this role, she would be required to assume She-Hulk form both inside and outside of the courtroom.

Jen breaks the fourth wall and complains about how her new coworkers would assume she was hired for her Hulkness and not her talent. That's not what Jen thought she was signing up for.