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Only Murders in the Building - Season 2 Episode 6 Recap


By Mia Wilson

- Aug 8, 2022

With the matchbook from the last episode in hand, the trio realizes that they have been getting texts from the killer. Rather than clearing their names, they devise a plan to catch the killer based on one of Charles’s old shows. They tell the killer where the matchbook will be, but add a twist: “Mariah,” a glitter bomb that also contains rubber cement and C4. When the criminal opens the trash can, they get plastered with glitter instead. Unfortunately, the three are so busy talking about their personal lives (Charles’s unwillingness to truly leave Jan, for example) that they let the killer get away.

Speaking of crafts, Alice has gotten creative (if literal) with her art. She invites Mabel to her gallery: a too-accurate recreation of the crime scene. Overwhelmed, Mabel flees the gallery...only to encounter a hooded person splattered with glitter.

Charles and Oliver receive a video of Mabel stabbing that glitter-encrusted figure in the subway. And they aren’t the only ones; the video has gone viral, and the internet believes Mabel is guilty. Did Mabel do it, or is she being framed once again?

We still don’t know who killed Bunny after this episode. But we do know that all eyes are now on Mabel, so only future episodes will tell!