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Only Murders in the Building - Season 2 Episode 1 Recap


By Katrina N.

- Aug 3, 2022

The police are interrogating Mabel, Charles, and Oliver about the murder of Bunny, and the suspects’ podcasts seem to be enough evidence to incriminate them. They particularly listen to Mabel’s podcast narrating her visions of a perpetrator attacking her and her stabbing the perpetrator with her knitting needle. Eventually, they are released and advised to pursue new hobbies. On the outside, Mabel stays away from the media path, while Charles and Oliver cannot wait to shine in the limelight that their latest case has earned them.

With time, all three protagonists meet acquaintances looking to engage them in constructive investigative works. They also face a rivalry from Cinda, a fellow crime podcaster who wants to look into the murder of Bunny and who believes that the three podcasters had everything to do with it. These engagements imply that the lives of Mabel, Charles, and Oliver are back to the way of the podcast, as they try to prove their innocence and build their positive side of fame. They believe they have been framed, but they must present enough evidence.

The trio enters Bunny’s flat after hearing the voice of his pet bird, and they take this opportunity to inspect the house for any clues. Uma and Howard also break into the house searching for an expensive painting but find it is not there. After the trio escapes from Bunny’s flat, Mabel has visions of Bunny’s murder, but the victim says “Savage” and not “fourteen,” as stated in the first instance. The episode ends with Charles finding the expensive painting that belonged to Bunny hanging from his apartment wall.