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Ms. Marvel - Season 1 - Episode 5 Recap


By Mia Wilson

- Jul 23, 2022

The opening song of "Ms. Marvel" Episode 5 is "Tu Mera Chand" from the 1949 Bollywood film "Dillagi," which provides a brief overview of the events leading up to the Partition of India and Pakistan. After escaping from the cave, it then flashes back to 1942 in British-occupied India where Aisha is fleeing from a British soldier.

When she gets there, Hasan is yelling about the struggle for freedom against the British Raj in a little village. Aisha is later discovered by Hasan in his rose garden, and the two finally meet, fall in love, and give birth to Sana. But when Muslims in India experience an uptick in hatred and Najma learns about Aisha, emotions erupt.

Najma seems upset that Aisha has been hiding out in a village and taking care of a child rather than assisting the Clandestines in returning to their home. Najma advises them to proceed with their plan to return to the Noor dimension after they hug it out. Aisha tells her that she has hidden the bangle (which will enable them to lift the Veil) and that finding it will require some time. She has 24 hours to take the necessary action, according to Najma. In order to escape with Hasan and Sana before Najma can catch them, Aisha uses the riots as an excuse to board a train headed for Pakistan out of fear.

While Aisha expires in a corner, Hasan loses Sana amid the crowd. Aisha responds to Sana's cries by removing the photo of herself, Sana, and Hasan and saying, "What you seek is seeking you." Similar to how Kamala's eyes light up as she powers up, so do hers. Sana lets go of the shimmering bracelet. Kamala enters the breach in time and space after it has opened.