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Ms. Marvel Season 1, Episode 1 Recap


By James Law

- Jul 11, 2022

The first episode of Ms. Marvel Season 1 is finally here. Almost every superhero story has some kind of origin story, but that doesn’t mean every character’s first episode will be as memorable as Spider-Man or Smallville.

A Unique Superhero

Ms. Marvel introduces us to teenage Kamala Kahn, whose family is from Pakistan and who is a practicing Muslim. Both of these facts, along with her age make her unique in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The character is a fan favorite from the comics, but how will the series bring her to life?

It starts with a great performance by Iman Vellani who makes Kamala wonderfully likable as the slightly outcast teenager, with her core group of friends. One of those friends, Bruno, will play a major role in her life as she discovers her superpowers.

Episode one introduces us to Kamala's family, who are equally enjoyable, as they plan for her older brother's impending wedding (spoiler alert - there will be a highly entertaining Bollywood-style dance scene at the wedding in an upcoming episode). Kamala is a pretty typical teenager, trying to get her learner's permit (not going well) and wanting to attend a big Avengers fan convention that her parents are sure to not approve of.

We spend a good portion of the episode just getting to know and like Kamala and her family and friends. It's hard not to. But, of course we have to get to the part where she becomes a superhero.

The family receives a package from Kamala's grandmother and she notices an interesting bracelet in the box. But, her mom wants it immediately stored in the attic when she sees it. Meanwhile, Kamala and Bruno hatch a plan for her to sneak out of the house and attend the Avengers event, since she is a HUGE fan-girl of superhero - Captain Marvel being her major focus. She is set up to compete in the cosplay contest with a great Captain Marvel costume that she and Bruno designed. At the last minute, she adds the cool bracelet to other ensemble, which immediately begins to glow and unlocks something inside of Kamala.

During the contest, she demonstrates some superpowers, being able to cast some sort of energy from her hands that solidifies into crystaline-looking structures that rapidly degrade. She blows away the contestants, but in the process, causes a bit of mayhem at the convention.
As it ends, she and Bruno are trying to understand these new powers she has suddenly discovered.