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House of the Dragon, S1 E5 Recap


By Olivia S.

- Oct 3, 2022

The episode begins in The Vale, where Lady Rhea Royce is on horseback hunting. She had captured several game birds when she encounters Daemon, whom she hails as her "husband." They never consummated their marriage, and she wonders if that is why he is still there.

Once on land, the royal procession travels to High Tide, the seat of House Velaryon. Lord Corlys sends his daughter, Laena, instead of himself to greet Viserys, Rhaenyra, Ser Criston, and company upon their arrival; this is the beginning of the power struggle. Laena and Rhaeynra are swiftly dispatched as Corlys and Viserys, along with the new Hand of the King, Lyonel Strong, and Princess Rhaenys, determine Rhaenyra's destiny. Laenor and Rhaenyra take a beach stroll. She expresses regret that he must marry her and informs him in coded language that she is aware he enjoys the company of males.

Alicent rushes out in the storm in King's Landing to inform Otto that she is sad to see him go. However, he believes she could have done more to save him and tells her so indignantly. She argues that Otto's dismissal is in fact his fault because he pushed too hard for Aegon to be appointed successor.

Some time passes, and suddenly everyone gathers in King's Landing for the wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor. Viserys has recovered sufficiently to join the future bride at a pre-wedding feast. Alicent is conspicuously absent as Corlys, Rhaeyns, and their family approach the scene with tremendous fanfare. Then Daemon strides into the hallway, and you know he's about to eff up.

In the presence of only their immediate families, traumatized Rhaenyra and bereaved Laenor marry that evening. Viserys collapses unconscious to the ground as soon as the vows are fulfilled.