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House of the Dragon E4: 'King of the Narrow Sea' Recap


By Elliot W.

- Sep 14, 2022

Rhaenyra begins Episode 4 of House of the Dragon by listening to a variety of potential husbands as they come forward and make their cases. The chosen suitors aren't exactly ideal candidates for marriage, whether they are too young or too old.

Rhaenyra decides enough is enough and takes the ship for King's Landing as a quarrel breaks out. With only two months left on their tour and Rhaenyra flatly rejecting every suitor, the gang muses over Viserys' reaction.

Daemon enters the main throne room with a swagger, brushing off the King's Guard as they approach with drawn swords. His own is dropped, and he says, "Add it to the chair."

Daemon, who has been crowned "King of the Narrow Sea," is wearing his own crown, but he removes it and gets down on his knees to declare Viserys to be the real ruler.

Rhaenyra and Daemon discuss their altered destiny in this realm, as well as the latter's various suitor approaches. All of this is obviously done in the name of power and titles; it has nothing to do with love.

The small council is gathered by Viserys in the throne room, where more pressing issues are at hand. Lord Corlys and the Sealord of Braavos are negotiating. He intends to marry the son of the Sealord with his daughter Laena. Why is that awful, then? In any case, the Free Cities would be compelled to seek out their own marriage contract in order to fortify their frontiers if Velaryon formed an alliance with them. And of course, Rhaenyra is the source of that "nuptial agreement."

Rhaenyra and Daemon slip out that evening. They ramble around the busy streets before finding a stage performance that portrays the birth of her brother, Aegon.