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From Scratch, S1 E2 Recap: ‘Carne e Ossa'


By Hugo Hatche

- Nov 9, 2022

November 2002 finds Amy and Lino staying with Zora in Los Angeles. After an 18-month long-distance romance, Lino joins Amy in LA, and they eat dinner in bed.

Lino thinks of opening a restaurant but remembers the split with his father when he became a chef.

Lino rearranges the kitchen, and Zora isn't happy. However, Thanksgiving is coming, and Zora’s and Amy’s father, stepmother, and mother will come for Thanksgiving. Their parents haven't spent Thanksgiving together in 12 years. Zora feels excited, but Lino stresses about meeting Amy’s parents. Amy focuses on a job interview.

Zora gets Lino an interview at Massimo's, a 5-star hotel. The chef treats Lino rudely, and Lino fails to get the job.

Lino helps Zora shop for Thanksgiving and plans some gourmet dishes. Zora warns him against this idea. Everyone ignores Lino's food.

The conversation resembles the stereotypical discussion. Amy's father says Lino needs to try harder to get a better job. Amy’s mother, Lynn, comments she hopes Zora will get into a relationship with a chocolate man because she wants brown grandchildren. Then, Lynn announces she is moving to LA. Lino faces questions about why he is not close to his family. Finally, her father forces money on Lino and Amy. Lino goes outside, and Amy follows him. He says he is unhappy living in LA, taking the money, and her family didn't try his food. Lino feels that Amy thinks he isn't good enough. He doesn't feel they can be happy in LA.

Amy goes to see Lino at work, but he is gone. His co-workers suggest ways to give Lino Italian friends and bits of Italy in LA. These changes make Lino happy. Amy proposes, and Lino accepts. Lino calls to tell his family, but his father disowns him.