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Emily in Paris — Season 3, Episode 6 Recap


By Lily Poh

- Jan 25, 2023

At the start of the action of episode 6 of Emily in Paris, we see Mindy sitting at an outdoor café. Here, she muses on the lack of text messages from her companion following the performance. When she gets a text from Nicolas, she immediately perks ups.

See Also: Emily in Paris — Season 3, Episode 5 Recap

For Agence Grateau, the venue they had planned to host the McLaren event at the last minute canceled. The situation is now precarious for Agence Grateau. While Sylvie's blood boils during the talk, Emily gets the response from her mate at the moment she needs it. Antoine, Alfie's boss, seems to have a château in Provence that would be perfect for the event. After realizing that her problem is gone, Sylvie agrees to the quick fix.

As the event's caterer, it appears that Gabriel will also be accompanying Emily and Alfie for the celebration. At dinner, while chatting with Emily and Alfie, Camille lets slip that she'll be staying behind to help out Sofia.

Emily, Alfie, and Gabriel take a train to Provence the next day to see Antoine's château. On the spur of the moment, Alfie agrees with Gabriel that they should eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant. They had been dying to do so for a time now. Emily is not on board because she has too much work to accomplish.

Sylvie has a hard time dealing with her boyfriend's jealousy after Antoine makes it clear that he once had a sexual relationship with her. He manipulates Sylvie into admitting that she dated Antoine, which raises eyebrows. However, as she assures him of her undying love, he no longer has any worries.

After gathering with Gabriel, Emily and Alfie find that Alfie must be away with Antoine to deal with an issue at his perfume plant. While dining at lunch, Emily and Gabriel have a wonderful time getting to know one another. At the end of the meal, the waiter remarks on what a cute couple they make.

Antoine has been enjoying a beautiful dinner with Gabriel. Alfie has to listen to him complain and rant about how the perfume is "no good". Antoine has enough of his tainted fragrance, but not nearly as much of the one he wants to sell.

After they finish eating, Gabriel assumes that he and Emily are a couple. He asks the chef for advice on how to manage his time between work and family. A few minutes later, the check arrives, along with a kind note about the "beautiful couple."

Camille and Sofia are at a hotel suite in Paris, where they start to be planning their future together. Camille suggests extending Sofia's show to keep her around longer, and Sofia suggests that Camille visit Greece. When Camille has a moment of clarity and brings up Gabriel, Sofia explains to her that they are not made to love only one person.

After watching Erik take pictures at the McLaren party, Sylvie is taken aback when Laurent suddenly appears and runs over to check in with Emily, who has been keeping tabs on the guests. When Sylvie takes charge of the guest list, she sends Emily away to meet with a McLaren executive so that she can keep her lover a secret from her husband.

The businessman, while chatting with Emily about his latest luxury car, casually reveals the key to solving Antoine's odor problem: "Scarcity drives demand."

Emily in Paris is now available for streaming on Netflix,