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Blockbuster S1, E2 Recap: 'Blockbuster Daddy'


By Lily Poh

- Nov 8, 2022

We all know that parenting is hard. So does Timmy who becomes the “Blockbuster dad.” Eliza and Percy are also having a handful of problems with their teenage daughters

Carlos has a father figure, who is now mourning. Hollywood Harold meant the world to Carlos,w who has to say goodbye.

In addition to these problems, the Blockbuster staff is concerned about which one of them is going to be let go. Connie makes her work family feel like a biological family. Sometimes work ties can be pretty strong.

Eliza is still facing some resentment for having given up Harvard for Ali. It seems she cut her education short to have her baby, which was a hard decision and Eliza still feels she is paying the price for it. Ali senses this and is acting out. However, Connie reassures Eliza by saying that teens rebel when they feel they are safe with a parent.

Timmy wants to keep the store staff together even though he knows someone will have to get fired. It seems obvious that it will be Kayla. She’s only keeping that job to make her dad happy. Percy, her dad, though seems controlling. Percy and Timmy’s friendship is strained too. It isn’t easy to be a landlord and a friend too.