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Warner Bros. Major 2021 Releases on HBO Max


By Lily Poh

- Dec 7, 2020

On Dec 4, 2020 Warner Bros. dropped a bombshell on the movie industry and provided another Christmas present for movie fans.

As movie studios start planning out their release schedule for 2021, a bit challenge remains how to adapt to limited (if any) capacity in movie theatres. Warner Bros. made the decision to release every one of their 2021 movies simultaneously in theatres and streaming on HBO Max. 

Unlike Disney’s Mulan release from earlier this year on Disney Plus, each of these movies is planned to be available to HBO Max subscribers at no extra cost beyond their monthly subscription.

Here are just a few of the movies coming to HBO Max from Warner Bros. in the upcoming months.

Wonder Woman - December 25, 2020

Godzilla vs. Kong - May 21, 2021

Warner Bros. Major 2021 Releases on HBO Max

The Conjuring: The Devile Made Me Do It - June 4, 2021

Space Jam: A New Legacy - July 16, 2021

The Suicide Squad - August 6, 2021

Dune - October 1, 2021

The Matrix 4 - December 22, 2021

Mortal Kombat - Date TBD in 2021