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Spider Man No Way Home Review


By Lily Poh

- Mar 25, 2022

It's been nearly 20 years since I've seen this movie, and it may be my favorite Spider-Man film. Ten minutes into the film, I was already in love with it, asking myself if it actually overplayed 2002's Spider-Man and its even better follow-up. My opinion is this: This is now my second favorite of 27 Marvel Cinematic Universe films. It was easy to decide on (especially when you see how much hype there was around Infinity War).

I laughed so much (even though I'm not the type who usually laughs at comedies) and shred a few tears.
The acting was more than good, it was excellent, as was the writing. Everyone gave 110%. It wasn't about stealing scenes or out-performing anyone else; in fact, my favorite moments were shared by two characters on opposite sides, which created marvelous tension between them. This movie is what I needed to see to wrap up this era of MCU movies for me!

Now that I've watched the newest Spider-Man movie, I'm excited to see what they have in store next! To be honest, before this viewing, I didn't want to watch it. Now my spider-sense is tingling and telling me something great must happen soon!


9 / 10