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Senior Year Review


By Elliot W.

- May 21, 2022

Netflix's "Senior Year" is a high school comedy that follows the story of a high school girl who winds up in a coma in 1999 and wakes up 20 years later to pursue her dream of becoming a "prom queen."

Does this sound familiar to anyone yet?

So is this movie worth the stream, or is it something we can give a pass?

Let's find out.

Netflix "Senior Year" Movie Review

A teenage in an adult body. This is basically what this comedy is all about, and if it had not been for the likes of movies like Mean Girls, Billy Madison, and Clueless, this could have been a good movie.

But this high school life theme does not work here. Rebel Wilson gives a good performance, but the script is not on point.

This is not to say that the whole movie is not good; there are some funny parts in the movie, with the generational themes being the movie's highlight.

It is impressive how much technology has evolved since the 2000s.

Stream It Or Pass It

This movie does tread new water. The theme has been done dozens of times already, but some references were spot on as someone who graduated in the early 2000s.

This gets a 3.5 out of 5 stars.


7 / 10