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Review: Netflix's 'Robbing Mussolini'


By Hugo Hatche

- Oct 28, 2022

Isola, the child of a past resistance martyr, starts the first illegal weapon trade in the movie. He was taught that thieves are preferable to heroes. After all, they frequently survive the game. He exchanges automatic weapons and heavy dynamite with a few resistance fighters but the exchange is soon cut short by a fascist attack.

Isola has a group of trusted associates, including Luigi Fedele, who plays a skilled code-breaker, and Marcello, a like-minded sharpshooter. Yvonne, the wartime businesswoman's love interest, is linked to Borsalino, Mussolini's highest-ranking official.

Isola learns about the Mussolini wealth that is being moved to Switzerland following the fascist watchdogs' bust. He promptly comes up with a scheme to rob the major thief and deal a severe blow to the autocratic rulers. He only needs a group of misfits willing to take significant risks to pull off a nearly impossible heist.

The movie attempts to depict an impossible theft in the scene of World War II, but it eventually turns out to be very predictable. Even the heist movie's signature character's death cannot elicit an emotional response and hinders viewers from being connected to the big reveal.

The conclusion was where it fell a little flat. The movie had a relatively straightforward narrative thread running through it, which it wouldn't mind. They try to cram in too many components to support that story, but when it comes to the crunch, none of them work. Not all the twists deserved them, and the movie held back in certain instances where it ought to have gone further.


5 / 10