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Review: Guillermo Del Toro’s, Pinocchio, On Netflix


By Katrina N.

- Jan 1, 2023

In this remake, the eponymous wooden puppet enters differently. Geppetto sees a hand behind a box. The rest of the body is lifted by another hand and two legs. Pinocchio's joints keep folding as he wishes Geppetto good morning.

This is like The Ring's spirit crawling out of a TV. Even with Pinocchio's happy voice, it's disturbing. Fits Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio.

By putting the original novel during Mussolini's reign, the creators explored harsher realities. Carlo, Geppetto's first son, is killed in WWI. Podestà plays a key role in Pinocchio years later. This time, the puppet master is a fallen aristocracy and pleasure island is a military training camp.

This rendition of Pinocchio explores relationships and being an outcast in a biased society. This rendition utilizes Pinocchio to demolish the adults' society, unlike others. Pinocchio portrays disobedience as a virtue.

Not everything is bleak. Pinocchio's mischief and innocence lead to funny and touching shenanigans. These lovely scenes offset the story's harsher themes. Pinocchio's journey doesn't just lead him to become a real boy; it also helps him find his inner spirit.

This moving story is perfect for stop-motion animation. Every character feels alive, and Pinocchio is a charming wooden puppet. All the ocean vistas are mesmerizing, especially the enormous dogfish.

Crisp and insightful conversation helps the star-studded cast shine. Songs are the only downside. They fit fine but aren't noteworthy. The movie is eerie and warm.

Pinocchio's creators show how much potential remakes and reboots have. Del Toro and Gustafson's Pinocchio remake is the most memorable of 2022.


8 / 10