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Recap: 'Burnt' Starring Bradley Cooper


By James Law

- Jan 3, 2023

"Burnt," a new thriller starring Bradley Cooper about a great but troubled chef striving for atonement, may leave you yearning for a dinner you won't be able to afford. Money-wise and possibly existentially.

After his restaurant venture in Paris failed, Jones moved to London. Prior to that, he had been involved in drug use in the US, working at small restaurants, and generally being a junkie. After cleaning up, he travels to London and sees his mentor's son there. They concur to devise a partnership. So Tony agrees, and Jones moves into Tony's hotel, and he then recruits several old pals of his, including Michel. Jones hires Michel despite the fact that he has been out of work since then. Others are also invited. Helene is more reserved. Jones' actions irritate her. But she agrees to work with him when he forces her to arrive late at her present eatery. He also increases her income thrice.

Jones throws a tantrum on opening night because the cuisine is poor. He angrily abuses Helene, grabs her shirt collar, and orders her and the rest of the kitchen workers to leave. Helene is persuaded to come back. Jones is informed one day that the restaurant has received two Michelin stars. Tony tells everyone about their habits while appearing anonymously.
Jones goes on a binge, arrives at his rival's restaurant, where he is saved from suicide and then served an omelet in the morning.

Helene and Tony inform Jones, back at Tony's hotel, that the two gentlemen were not Michelin reviewers. After being beaten up by his creditors, two Michelin representatives arrive and are thrilled.