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Firestarter is a Scorching Good Time


By Lily Poh

- May 27, 2022

The movie Firestarter, which is based on a Stephen King novel of the same name, tells the story of a young girl with pyrokinetic abilities. After her father dies in a fire that she starts, she is taken in by a government agent who wants to use her powers for his own purposes. The film follows her journey as she tries to escape the agent and protect her family.

Along the way, she meets other people with unique abilities and forms a strong bond with them. The Firestarter movie is filled with action, adventure, and suspense that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.

The acting in the movie is good, and Zac Efron does a great job playing the villain. The special effects are also well done, and the scenes where Charlie starts fires are really exciting to watch. However, some parts of the story are not very believable, and it's hard to root for the characters when they make bad decisions. Overall, Firestarter is an enjoyable thriller with some interesting plot twists.


7 / 10