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Book Club: The Next Chapter — Movie Review


By James Law

- May 24, 2023

With the popularity of the "Book Club" movie, it's expected that its sequel: "Book Club 2 – the Next Chapter," will also be popular with movie viewers.

See Also: Ghosted (2023) — Movie Review

The original movie became popular with its story of four best friends who have met to discuss books, for the past forty years. They decide to read "Fifty Shades of Grey.” They find themselves fascinated by that book's story of a woman's sexual journey. The popularity of this film came not only because of the film's provocative subject matter but because of the four main actresses' realistic and heartwarming portrayal of female friendship.

It's hard to beat a cast that includes Sharon (Candice Bergen), Vivian (Jane Fonda), Diane (Diane Keaton), and Carol (Mary Steenburgen). Their combined years of acting experience helped bring "Book Club' to life. During that film, each of the women finds their lives transformed after reading the book – and not only regarding their sexuality.

The sequel: "Book Club – the Next Chapter," reunites us with the four friends. Five years have passed since the first movie, but the ladies have continued reading books together. This movie begins when we discover that Vivian has finally agreed to marry Arthur. In the first movie, Vivian is hesitant to commit to Arthur, but now, the two are engaged.

Enthusiastic Carol yearns for distraction after supporting her husband through his recent heart attack. So, she proposes they all go to Italy for an extended "bachelorette party." She initially meets resistance from the others. But eventually, they all agree to go.

The movie takes us through several scenarios you'd expect from a film that includes an international trip. It begins when their luggage is missing. It continues when Vivian mistakes a police officer for a stripper and asks him to show her his "concealed weapon." While the ladies tour an Italian art museum, they grow avidly interested in the nude male statues. The ladies enjoy a scenic tour of Italy, which includes a shopping spree and serenading from a charming stranger. Some critics have rated the jokes in this movie to be somewhat predictable (and, to some extent, they are). But, the genuine vibe of friendship emanating from these four ladies warms the heart. It lets us feel as though we are along for their ride.

Each actress shines in this movie – as you would expect. Fonda is the liberated bride-to-be. Keaton is torn between enjoying time with her friends while missing her boyfriend back home. Steenburgen shows off her organizational skills. Bergen cuts through the others' sweetness with a salty love of life that's as refreshing as a squeeze of lemon. In the end, watching these ladies as they enjoy the breathtaking Italian settings makes watching the movie feel like enjoying a perfect slice of tiramisu, accompanied by a stimulating glass of Prosecco.

If the jokes in the movie seem somewhat predictable, the movie's point is that life itself is relatively predictable. As these four friends found out, life's predictability means that sometimes you must do whatever it takes to celebrate yourself. And, despite their brief vacation bringing them experiences far outside their everyday lives, they emerge as their essential selves at the end of the movie.

If you can imagine this movie as a pleasure trip, you will likely find, in the end, just as the four friends did, that you are glad you took the trip.


7 / 10