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Wednesday — Season 1, Episode 3 Recap


By Felix Chen

- Dec 5, 2022

Wednesday's third episode picks off right where the previous chapter left off, with Wednesday being held captive in the hidden Nightshade room. Her hands are tied behind her and the bag covering her head is taken off. People in disguise are encircling her, but when she sees Bianca, she commands her to remove her mask. As soon as everyone removes their masks, Xavier queries how she learned about their hidden area. Rowan showed her, she claims.

It appears that the Nightshades have been prospering covertly with the principal's approval. They are now struggling with how to handle Wednesday after she discovered their secret club. Bianca believes that joining them would be a terrible idea, but Xavier wants her to take the pledge.

Wednesday, on the other hand, is less interested in joining their elite group. After calling them amateurs who defame kidnapping, she releases herself and exits. Gotta adore the humor she has!

The following morning, the school's principal makes the announcement that volunteers will be expected of the pupils that day, followed by a community meal. They are also expected to act appropriately during the dedication of a memorial statue in the town square.

Wednesday is assigned to work in the antique shop Uriah's heap. She is also informed by the principal that she registered her for a performance. Wednesday will accompany the nearby school band at the ceremony while she performs on her cello.

Wednesday informs Xavier that she still believes Rowan is dead while they are both in town for their respective volunteer assignments. Xavier doesn't agree with her, but he's eager to talk to her about the image in the book. He informs her that Jericho Crackstone, the town's founder, is the man in the photograph.