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This Is Luna (No Mundo da Luna) — Season 1, Episode 1 Recap


By Olivia S.

- Dec 14, 2022

Luna is an aspiring journalist who lands a job writing horoscopes. When she discovers that her tarot deck connects her to people at work and home, everything begins spiraling out of control.

This Is Luna is based on the novel Mundo da Luna by Carina Rissi and tells the story of a recent journalism graduate looking for work in her field.

Due to the popularity of Internet news and instant communication, the magazine's circulation has decreased. As a result, it has reduced its staff. That’s how Luna got stuck with the horoscope column — the one section nobody else wanted.

Ignoring her friends' protest, Luna accepts a challenge to create an astrology column. After all, how complicated can making up nonsense be? Even though Luna knows nothing about making astrological charts and doesn't believe in magic, she agrees to take on this project. After all, it can’t be hard to make words no one will read.

Luna grew up in a gypsy community and has always been fascinated by her people's ancient traditions. So when a news website hires her to write astrological forecasts using the deck of cards a family member gave to her as a child, she jumps at the chance.