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Moonknight Episode 3 Recap


By Mia Wilson

- May 17, 2022

Arthur leads the troupe of tourists to Ametye's tomb in Episode 3 of Moon Knight. He uses the Scarab to solve the puzzle and doubles his efforts to get there before Steven.

Meanwhile, Steven scrambles to find the location of Socrates s tomb himself.

It is but temporary, however, and Marc soon awakens up in a taxi bound for the airport. He blacks out, and after pursuing one of the goons, there is a fierce fight.

Marc believes that this is Steven's doing, but Steven strongly urges him to listen and look at the facts. There could be a third participant in this, but we have to wait and see.

Although Khonshu uses his wit to produce a dark eclipse to attract the attention of the divine beings, very few answers are currently available.

Moonknight Episode 3 Recap (Highlights)

A secret entrance opens, transporting Marc toward the center of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Arthur also arrives soon after that and tells of the Gods' shock due to Khonshu's volatility. Not only that, Arthur informs the Gods that Steven has been displaying multiple personality disorders, causing great resentment in the gods.

Marc Steven decides to shift his focus from excavating the burial site of Ammit's sarcophagus to searching for Senfu's sarcophagus.

Khonshu's meddling causes the Gods to take action as we see them imprison Khonshu.

Arthur arrives at the Pyramid, where traditionally, the Gods are said to enshroud Khonshu.


For the present time, Moon Knight delivers an enjoyable and action-packed episode even though the show has hiccups with its characters and its antagonist, Arthur.


7 / 10