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From Scratch, S1 E5 Recap: ‘Bread and Brine'


By Felix Chen

- Nov 13, 2022

It is a somber Christmas as Lino’s parents, Giacomo and Filomena, arrive. Giacomo works in the garden and won’t see Lino. Filomena fusses about her Son not eating well.

They wait for information about Lino’s surgery. The doctor says the tumor has been removed. Then, Giacomo sees his Son.

At home, Giacomo cuts all the roses and fusses about finding good bread. Filomena wants to feed Lino more than bananas.

Lino hears his father congratulate a friend on his Son. Lino tells Amy she’ll never know how that feels.

Amy visits a friend, Preston. He understands how hard being a caregiver is, having done it for his first love. He warns her about the possible future, but she believes things will improve.

Amy, Lino, and his parents go to his follow-up appointment. The surgery went well, but Lino needs further treatment. Lino can choose chemotherapy or a clinical trial, but he might receive a placebo. His father doesn’t like that idea. Amy talks to Giacomo privately and asks him to let Lino decide. Lino chooses the clinical trial with their family's support.

They enjoy New Year’s dinner, and Zora announces her engagement to Ken. Everyone expresses their joy, especially Giacomo. Feeling Giacomo’s reaction is ironic and hypocritical, Lino confronts him. Giacomo tells Lino that he left his family as if they were nothing. Lino says he wanted to follow his dreams and not do what Giacomo did. Giacomo doesn’t understand, so Lino asks his father to accept him.

Before going home, Giacomo says he is happy Lino is a chef in America, gives Lino his hat, and calls him Son. Filomena asks Amy to have a baby so Lino will have more reason to fight for survival.

Lino feels sick, so he wasn’t given the placebo.