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Emily in Paris — Season 3, Episode 1 Recap


By James Law

- Jan 17, 2023

In the season 3 premiere of Emily in Paris, Emily is caught between Sylvie and Madeline. Her two employers are circling and pressing her for information. When the two women approach Emily, she moves backward, falls from the roof, and wakes up from her nightmare.

Emily encounters Camille as she and Mindy head off to work. Camille has broken her promise to Emily. Not only has she patched things up with her boyfriend, but also moved in with him. She tells her that Sylvie contacted her mother in an effort to secure a client for her new business—the family's champagne company. Camille promises Emily that her family would continue to support whichever business she decides to work for when she explains that she is attempting to fix the issue. I'm loyal to you, Camille adds.

After the awkward breakfast exchange, Emily departs to meet Madeline at Savoir. As the worker prepares to inform her supervisor that she is quitting, Madeline emerges from the doorway holding a package of "black market Fritos." Emily is taken into a briefing with Gabriel and Antoine before she has a chance to respond. Later, Emily receives a surprising call from Doug, her former boyfriend. Doug is now a worldwide executive with McDonald's, who wants to hire Emily's company to promote the Mc Baguette.

After finishing her talk with Doug, Emily enters the group's new workspace at Sylvie's house. She immediately offers the Mc Baguette as a response to Sylvie's worry. Sylvie then rejects Emily's idea because MC Donald's is not a luxury brand. The client meeting then starts when Gabriel and Antoine show up. This shocks Emily because she had previously seen them at Savoir.

After the meeting, Antoine departs with Emily and Gabriel. They query Emily about her health and inquire as to what she did to her hair. He then extends an invitation to eat at McDonald's and offers to kindly reserve a number of tables for Alfie's farewell party when he returns to London.

Alfie makes his first appearance on the program since Season 2. Emily asks her to translate the existentialist adage, "not choosing is still choosing."

The next day, Emily goes back to Sylvie's place of business and convinces Sylvie to speak with the McBaguette client. The client's food must be planned by Emily on the same evening as Alfie's celebration. But Emily is certain that she can run both events. Luc goes back to grab his laptop after realizing he left it there before leaving to go with Sylvie.

During a hilarious back-and-forth with Madeline that occurs when Luc visits Savoir, he learns the truth about Emily working for Sylvie. When Luc accidentally encourages Madeline, who is understandably furious, to crash the McBaguette client meal by revealing information about it, the situation intensifies.

Later that evening, Emily is on the roof of the Eiffel Tower. She is donning the feathery cloak from her nightmare. After lighting a cigarette, Sylvie, who had been standing behind Emily, begins to consider Madeline's reaction to Emily's resignation. Before she can react, though, Sylvie very nicely offers to be her new mentor, displaying a new, sympathetic side of herself. The subsequent appearance of the Mcdonalds' salesperson interrupts their joyous moment.

As Mindy, Camille, and Gabriel join Alfie for farewell drinks at the diner, Alfie's parting celebration gets underway. Alfie is aware that Emily isn't there, of course, but Antoine quickly diverts his attention by giving him his favorite fragrance as a departure gift. While they are discussing business, Mindy hurries to the corner to answer a call from the manager of the venue where she and her band performed.

Emily in Paris season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.