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Blockbuster, S1 E7 Recap: ‘Intimate Angels'


By Patricia B.

- Nov 17, 2022

Timmy attends a movie memorabilia auction and buys a plate from Hannibal. The employees discuss the movie and the plate when Connie arrives late as usual. The employees tease Connie until she starts crying. She tells them she was late because she was attending the funeral of her best friend, Helen

Then, the employees tell Timmy that Percy is disrespectful to Timmy using Timmy’s property and Timmy. Timmy admits it to himself but denies it, saying Percy has been there for him.

Eliza apologizes to Connie. Connie talks about Helen and how they both collected Intimate Angels figurines. Connie says she feels isolated and deserted, so Eliza says she will watch Connie’s favorite soap opera with her.

Carlos further discusses Percy with Timmy. They see Percy using their microwave to heat rancid food so that his store doesn’t smell bad. Then, he uses Timmy’s plate. Timmy and Carlos go to Percy’s store, and Timmy confronts Percy. Percy understands and says he will treat Timmy better.

Eliza decides she needs to find Connie a new friend with similar tastes as Connie. Hannah and Kayla vow to help Eliza. Suddenly, the store fills with people waiting to use the restroom. Eliza, Hannah, and Kayla talk to the women in line but don’t find a friend for Connie.

Eliza knocks down one of Connie’s Angels. They take the Angel to Patrice and discover she collects them also.

Timmy learns the bathroom line is due to Percy closing all the other restrooms in the mall for maintenance
Timmy talks to Carol’s daughter, Lena, and they bond.

Percy and Timmy iron out their issues.

Timmy and Lena go for drinks. Eliza, Hannah, and Kayla enter to observe Connie and Patrice, but Eliza sees Timmy and Lena and leaves. View Blockbuster on Netflix.