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Blockbuster S1, E5 Recap: ‘King of Queens'


By James Law

- Nov 12, 2022

Kayla and Percy tell Timmy he needs to forget a relationship with Eliza. They suggest he start dating others. He and Kayla create a profile for him on a dating site.

Eliza realizes she and Aaron have different likes, such as her preference for elegant dining. Eliza tells Connie and says she wants to visit a new French restaurant. Connie promises to help.

Carlos wonders why he fails at relationships, male and female, and what attracts him to people. Connie and Hannah ask questions to help him.

Connie suggests that Eliza calls her husband from the French section. The idea works, and they plan a Date at Petite Maman.

Rene stops in and asks Timmy out for a drink. At first, he says no, but announces a Date with Rene when Eliza says she is going out to dinner with her husband. Percy asks for details about Timmy’s Date. Eliza and her husband act uncomfortable. Percy and Kayla spy on Timmy and Rene at the bar. Then, two women from the dating site show up at the bar because of a phony invitation from Kayla. The women have similar interests, and all four enjoy themselves. Timmy goes to the bar for more drinks and sees Eliza. He guesses she was checking on his Date, which she later admits.

Carlos, Connie, and Hannah decide he is attracted to narcissists because he doesn’t have to talk about himself. Carlos says he is going to open up more.

Timmy and Eliza flirt until her husband enters and wants to go home. Eliza leaves watching Timmy and the other three women.