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Apple Watch Series 7 Preview

The holidays are coming fast! What kinds of cool tech gadgets are on your shopping list this year? Whether it’s a present for your significant other or a little something for yourself, the newest version of the Apple Watch is sure to be a popular item. While it isn’t available for purchase just yet, here is a quick preview of the Apple Watch Series 7.

When Can I Buy One?

The Apple Watch Series 7 is available for preorder right now! Just visit the Apple Store website or the app on your phone.  The product should start shipping on October 15, so if you order now, you will be one of the first to get the new watch! 

You can also preorder them from various Apple retailers like Best Buy, Target, and Walmart.

What Does an Apple Watch Series 7 Cost?

For the most part, pricing is similar to the Series 6 from last year.  Here is the breakdown of some popular models - but the Apple Store has many more:

Apple Watch Series 7 (Aluminum): Starting at $399

Apple Watch Series 7 (Stainless): Starting at $749

Apple Watch Series 7 (Titanium): Starting at $799

Apple Watch Series 7 (Nike): Starting at $399

Apple Watch Series 7 Preview

Apple Watch Series 7 (Hermès): Starting at $1,229

For each of those, add $30 when jumping to the 45mm size, and $100 when jumping to a cellular model (which will also require a monthly wireless plan if you want to access services and make calls outside of Wi-Fi hotspots).

Will Series 6 Watch Bands and Accessories work with Series 7?

It seems like the answer is mostly yes. But, that should be confirmed once the product it officially released. 

What’s Different in the Apple Watch Series 7?

The new Retina display is almost 20% larger than the Series 6, making the watch screen easier to see and use as an interface. 

The front crystal is more crack-resistant than ever before. The Series 7 is also dust-resistant and swim-proof. 

Charging speeds are significantly improved (up to 33% faster than the Series 6), while battery life remains the same.

New and improved apps, especially around health and wellness. This includes Blood Oxigen and ECG apps.

A TON of styles and options.  Apple has included a huge selection of colors, band options, and material choices in the Series 7. There should be something for everyone.