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When I’m deciding which product to buy (whatever the category may be), Amazon reviews are one of the first places I check to get a first-hand account. It was no different than when it was time for me to invest in a pet hair removal device.
If you have furry friends at home, you probably know exactly what it feels like to clean your house one weekend, only to see pet hair pop up the next day. It seems like I vacuum my rugs and couches almost every day!
With that much time spent trying to get pet hair out, I figured it was high time to invest in a tool to make the job easier. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see that the best pet hair removal tools were relatively inexpensive, as well as, pretty simply-designed to be honest.
Here’s a breakdown of the top two products and a personal review of each.
Lilly Brush

The Lilly Brush sells on Amazon for a really easy $12 and has 40,000 reviews with a 4.5 star rating.
How It Works
The Lilly Brush is not really a brush, per se. It consists of a palm-sized piece of red plastic, with a half-inch width rubbery, silicone border. Two of the edges are sharp 90 degrees, and the other two edges are rounded.
The 90 degree edges are designed to help you get into sharp corners of stairs, couches, or chairs. The tackiness of the rubbery border really helps push out pet hair strands from unwanted places.
For such a simple, easy design I was surprised at how well it worked. Using quick strokes, I removed a whole gob of pet hair that was interwoven into my upholstered couch. And the good thing is that nothing on this “brush” needs to be replaced (like a lint roller).
The only downside is how small it is. It would probably take me an hour or so to go through my whole couch or even my rug.
ChomChom Roller

The ChomChom roller sells for about $25 on Amazon, and has almost 90,000 reviews with 4.5 star rating.
How It Works
The ChomChom roller is made from plastic and consists of a handle, with a cylindrical compartment at the top. Within the plastic cylinder is a rolling pin, wrapped in a brush material.
All you need to do is move the brush up and down over the area you want to remove the hair from, which gets trapped into the compartment at the top and you can simply empty it when you’re done.
With higher reviews, I felt like this was probably going to be the stronger option. But the brush didn’t pick up as much hair as I thought it would. It worked relatively well on surfaces where pet hair doesn’t get fully enmeshed (like a faux fur throw blanket). But on my upholstered couch, I felt like I had to run it up and down quite a few times in order to get anything picked up.
On top of that, I felt like most of the pet hair it did end up picking up stayed stuck to the brush, instead of being deposited in the receptacle. As such, I spent a lot of time just trying to pick pet hour out of the brush with my fingers, just to make sure it was able to stay clean in order to pick up additional pet hair.
Final Decision
Although the ChomChom roller is a little bit bigger and can cover a wider area in the same amount of time, my vote would have to be for the Lilly Brush. Its effectiveness in removing pet hair was a lot more efficient than the roller.