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It wasn’t that many years ago when hiking shoes were all big, bulky, and heavy behemoths designed to stomp their way through any terrain, keeping your feel protected with steel toes and reinforced soles. In fact, they weren’t hiking shoes, they were very truly hiking BOOTS. How times have changed.
Over the past few years, the hiking footwear industry has embraced lighter, more comfortable, more versatile shoes. You still see some larger more technical hiking boots that go above the ankle. But, now hiking shoes look a lot more like beefier running shoes. This is likely due to more casual hikers getting into the sport, along with the tremendous growth in trail running as an activity.
Let’s check out some cool hiking shoes you can add to your collection before the end of 2021.
Great All-Around Hiking Shoe
Salomon X Ultra 3 GTX

Salomon has been making these more comfortable hiking shoes for a while now. (Full disclosure, I own a pair of Salomon hiking shoes that I love, but not this model.) These shoes are extremely lightweight for the durability they offer. They have an aggressive and grippy tread design that really helps in just about any trail conditions. The sole is flexible enough for comfort but stiff enough to hold up against rough trail conditions. While not trail runners, they are also flexible enough to move quickly up and down the trail at a light jog. They also include a single-pull lacing system that makes it very easy to achieve and maintain a very secure fit without laces getting in the way. You can get them in a waterproof version, as well.
Budget-Friendly Hiker
Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator

Hiking shoes can get expensive, so having a slightly more budget-friendly option can be a big benefit. These do sacrifice a bit of ruggedness, but they are super lightweight and comfortable. Despite the weight, they still offer enough durability for just about any casual hiker. The traction is great on most trail conditions but may lag a bit when things get muddy or overly rocky. Merrel is another quality hiking shoe manufacturer, so you can’t go wrong with these as a good versatile hiking shoe that shouldn’t break the bank.
Best Trail Runner
Hoka One One Speedgoat 4

Today when you’re out for a hike, you’re as likely to come across people running the trail as simply hiking it. Trailing running has become very popular and when your goal is to get up and down a trail while running or jogging fast, you definitely need a shoe that will adjust to your needs. Enter the trail runners. A definite cross between a running shoe and a hiking shoe. Hoka has been well known in the running community for years, but recently they have become a great option for runners who want to go off-road.
The Speedgoat 4 offers thick cushioning and a lightweight build. It is just about the most comfortable trail running shoe there is, based on a ton of reviews. At the same time, it remains grippy on the trail, helping you stay in control while bombing down a rugged trail. They aren’t as durable as more sturdy hiking shoes, so you can probably expect to replace them a bit more often if trail running becomes a regular activity. But, beyond that, you can’t go wrong with these on your feet the next time you are running up or down a trail in the mountains.
Best Mixed Trail and Scrambling Shoe
La Sportiva TX4

Some hikers spend as much time scrambling up boulders or other short rock climbs as they do on the trail. Anyone who has done rock climbing knows that shoes designed especially for that activity tend to be very different than hiking shoes. But, unless you want to carry an extra pair of shoes, you should look at an option like the TX4. Super grippy and comfortable for most trail conditions, this is a great option for folks that want to do a bit of bouldering during their hike. You do sacrifice some performance in conditions like mud or loose dirt, but most hikers should find it more than sufficient for typical hiking conditions. And when you get out to do some scrambling it shines when compared to more standard hiking shoes.