The Best and Worst Biopics

Visually Stunning Movies & Their Use of Cinematography

Movies are not just about storytelling; they are also about creating a visual experience for the audience. The use of cinematography can greatly enhance the viewing experience, making a movie visually stunning…

By Darren Weber

Outer Banks — Season 3, Episode 5 Recap

The beginning of Outer Banks Season 3 Episode 5 is that the teens have returned to Kildare. Given that Singh is out looking for them, that is certainly not good news. Yet…

By Aiden O'Hara

The Most Overrated and Underrated Movies

Movies have been a part of our lives for over a century now, and there are numerous films that have become a part of our cultural fabric. Some of these films are…

By Tianna West

Outer Banks — Season 3, Episode 4 Recap

Big John begins Outer Banks season 3 episode 4 by berating the sky as he learns the diary is in ruins. The mini-cliffhanger from earlier is quickly resolved when John comes home.…

By Richard Christiansen

The Best and Worst Book-to-Movie Adaptations

Over the years, we have witnessed numerous book-to-movie adaptations. Some have been highly successful and others have failed miserably. A successful adaptation requires a lot of hard work and dedication. It also…

By Lindsey Mills

The Best and Worst Movie Remakes of All Time

Movie remakes have become a common practice in the film industry. Some remakes are able to live up to the original films. Others get criticism for failing to capture the essence of…

By Rudy Kunde

The Most Anticipated Movies of 2023

While 2022 was a fantastic year for movies, 2023 is shaping up to be a close second. Martin Scorsese, Greta Gerwig, Ben Affleck, Ridley Scott, Sofia Coppola, and Yorgos Lanthimos will all…

By Claud Boyer

Outer Banks — Season 3, Episode 3 Recap

The third episode of Outer Banks season three begins with us discovering Big John and John B’s friendship. The two had an unbreakable friendship, more of a buddy than a father. But…

By Richard Christiansen

The Best TV Adaptations of Books and Comics

Over the years, we have witnessed many popular books and comics getting adapted into TV series. Some of them have truly stood out. Successful TV adaptations are not an easy feat to…

By Claud Boyer