Apolonia, Apolonia (2024) - Documentary Review
"Apolonia, Apolonia," a documentary by Danish filmmaker Lea Glob, is an intricate and deeply personal exploration of the life of French figurative painter Apolonia Sokol.
"Apolonia, Apolonia," a documentary by Danish filmmaker Lea Glob, is an intricate and deeply personal exploration of the life of French figurative painter Apolonia Sokol.
"Lift," Netflix's latest addition to its arsenal of action movies, is as underwhelming as its uninspired title suggests.
Pete Davidson's latest Netflix special, "Turbo Fonzarelli," marks a notable improvement in his comedic delivery compared to his previous special, "Alive From New York."
After Everything: The Final Chapter centers on Hardin, played by Hero Fiennes Tiffin, who embarks on a journey to Portugal.
This delightful film takes us on a thrilling journey of a man pretending to be blind to make a great escape.
A promising start but a dwindling story line spoils the energetic action of vigilante movie, 'Mayhem!'.
Jason Blum and James Wan volley their latest horror touches in "Night Swim”- a film featuring a people-eating swimming pool, ramping up absurdity with an intriguing seriousness.
Actor Jake Johnson's debut directorial venture, "Self Reliance", is a refreshing comedy churning out profound insights into the need for human connection amidst the dreariness of isolation.
Explore the vivid suspense of Todd Verow's "You Can't Stay Here", a thriller set in Central Park's famous hook-up spot, the Ramble.
Dive into the world of Jeymes Samuel's 'The Book of Clarence', where in ancient Jerusalem, a cynic hustler stumbles through the chaos of religion, crime, and brotherhood.