Firestarter is a Scorching Good Time
The movie Firestarter, which is based on a Stephen King novel of the same name, tells the story of a young girl with pyrokinetic abilities. After her father di...
The movie Firestarter, which is based on a Stephen King novel of the same name, tells the story of a young girl with pyrokinetic abilities. After her father di...
The final season of Ozark, produced by Netflix, begins with an unbelievable bang. Literally. The Byrdes, as they drive their minivan, engage in small talk with...
Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore is the third chapter of the marvelous FANTASTIC BEASTS saga. The film depicts a major crisis in the magical world as th...
There have been multiple examinations of the "Michael Peterson" case ever since the untimely passing of his wife, Kathleen, gained nationwide press in 2001. ...
Netflix's "Senior Year" is a high school comedy that follows the story of a high school girl who winds up in a coma in 1999 and wakes up 20 years later to purs...
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 picks up several years after the first movie. In the first movie, Sonic defeated the evil Dr. Robotnik. In this new entry, Dr. Robotnik...
Hulu's "The Candy," tells the story of Betty Gore's violent murder and the surprising perpetrator. Their close friend Candy Montgomery is presumably linked ...
Arthur leads the troupe of tourists to Ametye's tomb in Episode 3 of Moon Knight. He uses the Scarab to solve the puzzle and doubles his efforts to get there b...
Google's Pixel Watch is rumored to be released in October. It is said to have a Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 chipset, 4GB of storage, and a battery for up to ...
The opening of Episode 1 of Moon Knight begins with a peculiar man breaking glass with a fine-weave fabric. Afterward, these broken pieces of glass are emptied...