"For Worse": An Exploration of Aging, Sexuality, and New Beginnings
“For Worse,” a film written and directed by Transparent star Amy Landecker, offers a fresh perspective on aging, sexuality, and life after divorce.
“For Worse,” a film written and directed by Transparent star Amy Landecker, offers a fresh perspective on aging, sexuality, and life after divorce.
Athletic Brewing Company grabs the spotlight as 2025's top large brewery in the Best of Craft Beer Awards, underlining the rise in popularity of nonalcoholic beers.
Unveiling the mystery behind the number of calories your body burns while you're lost in dreamland, and how improving the quality of your sleep can assist weight management.
Discover a fresh spin on lima beans that might just turn the tide on your tastebuds in this lip-smacking lamb dish.
Unmasking the trendy practice of mouth taping for better sleep – the potential benefits, risks, and what healthcare professionals think.
An exploration of paranoia, secrets, and infidelity in the stylish but fragmented film "Holland", premiering on Prime Video.
A detailed examination of Geremy Jasper's rock opera film, "O'Dessa," and its portrayal of hope, music and survival in a dystopian world.
The Accountant 2 sees estranged brothers Christian and Brax solving a complex mystery while experiencing charming reunions and humorous exchanges.
A critical review of the newly premiered documentary "The Age of Disclosure", assessing the purported evidence of extraterrestrial visitations.
Explore the history and resurgence of the classic New Orleans cocktail, À La Louisiane, a sweet, herbal concoction with a hint of spice.