
Best Podcasts to Listen to For History Buffs

If you’re a history buff looking for some engaging and informative content, podcasts are a great way to delve into the past. From ancient civilizations to more recent events, there are plenty of podcasts that cover a wide range of historical topics. Here are a few of the best history podcasts for history buffs.

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Hardcore History

Hardcore History is the go-to podcast for anyone who wants a deep dive into historical events. Hosted by Dan Carlin, the podcast takes a comprehensive and immersive approach to history. It uses long-form storytelling to create a vivid picture of past events. Carlin has covered a wide range of topics, from the fall of the Roman Empire to World War I.

Stuff You Missed in History Class

As the name suggests, Stuff You Missed in History Class is a podcast that explores the lesser-known stories of history. The hosts, Tracy Wilson and Holly Frey, are great at uncovering fascinating and often overlooked events. The history of the potato to the unsolved mystery of the lost colony of Roanoke are few of many. If you’re looking for a podcast that will broaden your historical knowledge, this is a great place to start.


Revolution is a podcast that takes a deep dive into some of the most significant revolutions in history. Hosted by Mike Duncan, the podcast covers a wide range of events, from the English Civil War to the French Revolution. What sets this podcast apart is Duncan’s approach. It is both informative and engaging, making even the most complex historical events accessible to the average listener.

The History of Rome

The History of Rome is another podcast from Mike Duncan, and it’s a must-listen for anyone interested in the ancient world. The podcast covers the entire history of Rome, from its legendary founding to its fall in the fifth century AD. Duncan’s engaging storytelling and deep knowledge of the subject make this podcast a must-listen for anyone interested in Roman history.

The History of Byzantium

The History of Byzantium picks up where The History of Rome left off, covering the history of the Byzantine Empire from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Ottoman conquest in the fifteenth century. Hosted by Robin Pierson, the podcast is a great deep dive into a fascinating and often overlooked period of history.

The History of England

The History of England is a podcast that covers the history of England from its earliest days to the present. Hosted by David Crowther, the podcast is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about English history, from the Norman Conquest to the Tudor period and beyond.

The History of China

The History of China is a podcast that covers the history of China from the earliest days of civilization to the present. Hosted by Chris Stewart, the podcast is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about Chinese history, from the rise of the Qin dynasty to the modern era.

In conclusion, there are plenty of great history podcasts out there for history buffs. Whether you’re interested in ancient civilizations, world-changing events, or lesser-known stories, there’s a podcast out there that will satisfy your historical curiosity. From Hardcore History to The History of China, these podcasts offer a unique and engaging way to explore the past. So grab your headphones and start listening – you never know what fascinating historical stories you might uncover.