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You - Season 4, Episode 5 Recap

In the Part-1 season finale of You, Joe he notices Kate carrying a knife while standing next to Gemma's corpse. He believes that he has located the Eat-the-Rich Killer. In order to persuade Joe that she needs his help hiding the body, Kate says how Joe would also be the main suspect if anyone discovered Gemma's dead body.

Kate and Joe attempt to conceal Gemma's body inside a wooden box and wrap up the bloody rug where the dead body was discovered. As Lady Phoebe bursts into Kate's room after hearing Adam Pratt talking affectionately to a servant, she interferes with their work.

When the wooden box Gemma collapses, Joe and Kate struggle to transport her. Phoebe leave. Motivated by Roald's brutal assault, Joe throws the body out of a window. Kate directs Joe to the animal storehouse, where dead animals from hunts are put until the staff has time to clean them. Once the body is put with the pheasant's dead bodies, Kate grabs a knife and keeps threatening Joe. She wonders why he is so adept at disposing of bodies.

Kate orders Joe to return to the game larder because she thinks she could have left her bracelet-a piece of jewelry with her name engraved on it-there. Phoebe is waiting for Kate when she returns to her room, gazing horrified at the blood stains on the floor. In order to get her buddy to agree not to tell anyone else, Kate is forthright with her.

Roald sees Joe cheating while he is getting Kate's bracelet at the opposite end of the house. In front of his wealthy friends, Roald introduces Joe and tells how Professor Jonathan is actually the Eat-the-Rich Killer while he is extremely drunk. Even Adam asks for Joe to be with his head on a silver platter. Joe is told to run for his life when Roald claims he has the power to execute peasants. As Kate and Phoebe enter the living room, Joe has been hiding in the woods and Roald is hunting him.

To locate Joe and Roald, Kate commands the security personnel. She decides to pursue them herself if they take too long, though. While Joe is gathering himself, sadly, Rhys approaches and shoots Joe in the head with Roald's gun. Roald and Joe are put in Hampsbridge's secret basement when Joe awakens.

In his role as the Eat-the-Rich Killer, Rhys wants Joe's assistance. Rhys would release Joe if Roald were to die. The next step in their lives would be to start blaming Roald for all the fatalities. While Joe makes an effort to keep up, as soon as Rhys exits the basement, he begins to relax. Rhys later learns that Joe is not who he had assumed, so he goes back to his original plan of accusing Professor Jonathan of the murders when he comes home.

Joe succeeds in breaking out of his bonds. As Roald wakes up, he begs Joe for help, and Joe helps him escape his bonds. But, they are stuck in the cellar and are only miraculously set free when Kate follows the fire and their cries.

All evidence inside the Hampsbridge House is destroyed by the flames that have engulfed it. Rhys flees as the authorities find sufficient evidence to identify Gemma's body. Because he wants to find Rhys, Joe keeps quiet to everyone about having seen the face of the real murderer. The fact that Joe is not the Eat-the-Rich Murderer makes things simpler with the Oxford friends.

The Episode Review

Joe must utilize his icy skills to find the Eat-the-Rich Murderer who tried to accuse him of murder. This is the main mystery of this season. The theory is intriguing, but the story dragged on a bit. Joe's passionate behaviors were towards a monster instead of an upsetting love interest.

Season 4 of You is now streaming on Netflix.