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You - Season 4, Episode 4 Recap

In Season 4, Episode 4 of You Joe's tip, which turned out to be correct, has the police indebted to him. They'd be quite interested to hear about his other possibilities. They're rooting for him to keep in touch.

See Also: You - Season 4, Episode 3 Recap

They are his biggest supporters. Joe breaks out of one jail (the physical sort), only to be thrown into another when he gets an invite to spend the weekend with Phoebe and her pals at their country estate, Hampsie. Joe thinks he'll be safe because he'll be around his band of suspects.

Nadia is the most plausible suspect in the "eat the rich" murders since she shares the motive of the killer and is sympathetic to the cause of hating wealthy people. We all know how much she enjoys a good murder mystery, and it would be hilarious for Joe to have to escape from a hot female pursuer. If you ask me, it gives the show more of a bite.

However, Rhys may still be clinging to the "rags" portion of his rags-to-riches persona, and he may have simply ingratiated himself with this group of obnoxious spoilt gits in order to more easily off them. To me, it's hilarious that he may think that now is the time to start committing a string of high-profile murders, given that he wants to run for mayor and will soon be the subject of tabloid fascination and high-quality oppo research. But it doesn't mean Rhys wouldn't try to make it work anyway. The rest of the candidates, with the exception of Kate, are too dim to hold anyone's attention. I haven't written her off yet! In my opinion, those are the best three.

First, though, some updates:

Adam is wasting his money like water. Robert, the suited man (what does he do?) Consultancy services? You, a teller? Adam's dad won't be swooping in to save him anymore, so he should pay his loans. When I'm rich, I'll have a suited man, too, and be able to tell you. Also, Kate is trying to communicate with someone she would rather not talk to, who we may assume to be her father. Having seen so many of the same storylines in the first season, it is disappointing. It may seem like a Lifetime (haha) ago, but some of us were paying attention then, and if Joe's new love interest is a girl who has problems with her father, then it's the same old Beck all over again.

Joe, having taken the usual precautions for the journey (including packing his hollowed-out book with the kill-people wire), reaches the location he has dubbed the "Downton Abbey vampire castle." One thing that bothers me about this scene is that Joe seems utterly out of place, but he actually appears reasonably well. What's with the heels on these ladies? To what end is Phoebe dressing as Cher Horowitz? A Barbour jacket and riding boots are the typical attire for the wealthy at events like these, yet I don't see anyone with money wearing them. Almost as good, though, is Roald's bomber.

Gemma's entire identity consists of her saying hurtful things, and that hasn't changed. If I had to guess, I'd say this is the dull version of Kate Hudson's Glass Onion character. She's merely filling space as a possible suspect or dead body, and she isn't contributing much to the plot. Friending her seems pointless. Is there something she knows about them that's not public knowledge? Put some logic into it!

Season 4 of You is now available for streaming on Netflix.