We are currently six episodes into the latest season of Yellowstone. Things are still moving a little bit slow after that action-packed season premiere. There’s not that much in terms of turn of events or surprises, but here we go with the recap.
Texas Jimmy
Jimmy is still adjusting to his new life at the Four Sixes ranch in Texas. His living is scant and he appears to be hungry all the time.
He’s not very good at riding, and not very good at roping -- the two essentials for being a cowboy. But his new friend is going to help teach him.
I know this is just a recap and not an opinion article, but I feel like Jimmy’s storyline is pure fluff now. I wasn’t a huge fan of his character in the first place, and now that he’s not even working at the Yellowstone anymore, why is this relevant? It seems like it’s maybe just a plug for the Four Sixes ranch.
Kayce’s Family Time
Kayce and Monica agree to rent out the house they’re looking at -- which even comes with a dog. Name TBD.
They seem happier in this new location and things point to them settling down here, which will only serve to distance Kayce from his father even more. Will he still be John’s right-hand man to inherit the ranch if he continues down this route?
Cat Fight
Beth comes home one morning only to see Summer (the vegan, anti-animal cruelty protestor from last week’s episode) in her kitchen wearing one of her father’s shirts. And in yet another Beth fashion, grabs a knife and threatens to stab her.
There’s a brief attempt at a communal breakfast but Beth storms off and Summer thinks it’s time for her to leave too. Beth wishes her a fond farewell: “I hope you get ass cancer and die.”
John agrees to drive Summer back into town, but not before they have to stop at the side of the road to wrassle a calf that’s gotten outside of the fenceline. It seems John has just unwittingly found a way to appeal to Summer’s animal-loving soft side.
She decides to walk herself back into town, but I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of her just yet.

Dog Fight
While the women are fighting at home, we have another fight brewing in the bunkhouse. The wranglers are enjoying a game of poker when Lloyd walks in, storming. He grabs Walker’s guitar right out of hands and proceeds to smash it to bits against the wall.
When Walker confronts him, Lloyd draws a switchblade and stuffs it right into Walker’s chest, above the heart and into his clavicle. The rest of the wranglers beat Lloyd into submission before he can do any more harm and call the local vet (instead of the doctor) for Walker. I’m not sure how Lloyd expects to get himself out of this one.
The boys bring a handcuffed Lloyd to Rip’s house, who understands what needs to be done. The next day, he makes Lloyd and Walker fight it out in the pen until they can’t get up. If there is a last man standing, they have to fight Rip.
It ends up being Lloyd. Rip embraces him quickly as a friend before pulverizing his face and then stomping on his hand and breaking it. He hopes that sets things straight from now on.
This is another part of the storyline I wasn’t quite understanding. Lloyd, who has been loyal to the ranch for 30+ years and is in his 60’s, now has a storyline where he’s upset over a fickle young girl. Seems a little bit immature for someone of Lloyd’s standing, no?
The Black Sheep Dutton
Meanwhile, Jamie still seems to be struggling with his identity. His whole life he’s been taught about loyalty to family. But now who is his real family? Is it his biological father, who we presume is behind the brutal assault, or is it the family who took him in and raised him?
He holds a gun to Garrett’s head in an attempt to bring him in and charge him for orchestrating the Dutton attack. But Garrett is pretty manipulative and talks his way out of it.
At the office, Jamie meets with the new Market Equities Head of Operations, a.k.a Beth. He’s a bit shocked but Beth is having the time of her life. She’s prepared to make life a living hell for him.
That’s pretty much it for the recap of Episode 6. Like I said, there's not a whole lot going on yet. We’re still where we are at the beginning of the season. We still don’t know much about the attacks, there’s no movement in the land grabs and developments, and no other action except for some minor squabbles between some of the characters.