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Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 2 Recap

In the season 4 Yellowstone premiere last week, we were graced with not one but two full episodes. Here’s a recap of Episode 2. 

The Beginning

We open to see John saddling up, no longer keen on being confined to his hospice bed. Those damn doctors don’t know what they’re talking about anyway. Kayce follows on horseback and they wind up at a secluded natural hot springs where they discuss an important matter at hand: who’s behind the attacks? 

Jamie’s name comes up first. But Kayce begs to differ. Jamie leased the land to Rourke’s equity company instead of selling it in order to protect the Dutton interest. A killer wouldn’t do that. 

John urges Kayce to use Jamie’s political power to get warrants for the militia from Season 2, who are prime suspects as well. 

The Middle

Meanwhile, Jamie looks at property with his biological father, who seems to be whispering in his ear as to what he should and shouldn’t be doing to separate himself from the Yellowstone. Jamie eats it up, eager for someone who seems to be looking out in his best interest. 

Roarke Equity flies in Caroline Warner, Chair of the Board of Directors. She’s small in stature, with coiffed silver white hair, but commands everyone about her. Small but mighty. It seems she knows how to play the game. And her interest is making sure the construction of the airport continues. But she has a different approach: fueling their greed. 

Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 2 Recap

As a result, she rescinds the cease and desist order on Chief Rainwater’s casino development and offers to fund the build for him. Of course, as long as she gets to have a say in it. “Too good to be true,” Rainwater muses. Most likely.

Travis Wheatley, our favorite horse trainer, stops by with more horses to sell. John wants to use Travis’s reach to get the Yellowstone on the map. A bigger map … outside of Montana. The King Ranch in Texas can do it, why can’t they? It’s an expensive business idea, but the boss is the boss.

Beth meets with ex-employer Bob Schwartz (of Schwartz & Meyer) about her severance package. (As a recap, she is getting fired for taking the risk of buying up Roarke Equity shares to intentionally sink them. But her gamble didn’t pay off, losing Schwartz & Meyer millions of dollars). 

Bob threatens her with the land grabs she performed two seasons ago. But she bites back that she co-owns the land with them. Much in line with her character, she doesn’t back down.

The End

Jimmy, our favorite dork-able ranch hand, is discharged from the hospital. But because he made a promise to John he wouldn’t ride rodeo again, John has no choice but to let Jimmy go as a ranch hand. However, at least he gives him a job with Travis on the road.

The boy from the hospital in the previous episode has been arrested for attempted robbery but claims Beth is his guardian. The sheriff brings him to the Yellowstone and Beth vouches for him. She decides to surprise Rip with the boy, named Carter. And some tuna Hamburger Helper for dinner as well.

Rip, suddenly thrown into fatherhood, is not a fan at first. It’s a position he never thought he would be in. But we know under all that muscle is a big ol’ softie!

Rip sees himself in Carter and gives the boy a chance by working on the ranch (“working” mean shoveling horse dung). It seems the kid really just wants someone to care about him. We end Episode 2 with Rip, Carter, and Beth having a happy family dinner together. With actual hamburger Hamburger Helper.