Amazon’s The Wheel of Time episode 6 upped the ante and gave viewers a lot to chew on, especially when compared to the story from the books. So, let’s dive into our recap.
Meet the Amyrlin Seat
We’ve been hearing a lot about the leader of the Aes Sedai for a few episodes and we finally meet her in episode 6, first in a flashback to show us her origin story of leaving her village as a young girl and heading to Tar Valon to join the Aes Sedai. Siuan Sanche is shown as both the imposing matriarch of the Aes Sedai and also as an individual who has a romantic relationship with Moiraine. More on that below.
Initially, a now gentled (a man whose link to the One Power has been severed) is brought before the Amyrlin Seat for judgment. He tries his best to anger her and provoke her to have him killed, to no avail, as she sentences him to a life as an example of what happens to men who can channel in general and those False Dragons in particular.
She then turns her attention to the three ranking Aes Sedai who gentled him, Liandrin (Red), Alana (Green), and Moiraine (Blue). She initially focuses her anger on Liandrin, who then does her best to throw Moiraine under the bus (if they had buses in the medieval world of The Wheel of Time). Moiraine refuses to tell the Amyrlin what she has been doing over the past 2 years away from the tower, which leads to Siuan giving her a day to consider her stance or face punishment.
Plots within Plots
We continue to see the various Ajah (think of it as political parties within the Aes Sedai) all playing political games and vying for power and control over the entire sisterhood. Liandrin attacking Moiraine is just one key example.
In a plot twist that is not included in the books, Moiraine and Siuan are in a secret romantic relationship, stemming back to their days as novices and later members of the Blue Ajah. In fact, Moiraine’s mission to find the Dragon Reborn is one she shares with the Amyrlin Seat. So, the entire scene from earlier in the episode was an act. The two women are working together to find the Dragon Reborn and make sure he (or she) is there to face the Dark One at the appropriate time of the last battle.

The Dragon(s) Reborn?
n another potentially huge plot change from the books, Siuan mentions that the Dragon’s soul may have been split into more than one person. So, our first change was making it possible that a woman could be the Dragon Reborn, opening up our list of candidates from the 3 in the books (Rand, Mat, Perrin) to include Egwene and Nynaeve. Now, it’s possible that 2 or even all 5 of these characters could in effect be a part of the Dragon Reborn.
While this may simply be a misdirect and Rand will still be the Dragon Reborn as he is in the books, it’s entirely possible the series will make a change like this. They have already shifted the narrative away from Rand, who is the clear protagonist in the books, and made him perhaps the least interesting character of the 5.
Each of the rest has some interesting stories going on - Perrin is connected to wolves, Mat is infected by the dagger he stole, Nynaeve is potentially the most powerful wielder of the female half of the One Power in 1,000 years, and Egwene has also shown the ability to use the One Power. Rand? He has a sword that he doesn’t know how to use and tends to act childish (like pounding on the door when the Darkfriend had him as swordpoint in a previous episode).
The Band is Back Together… Briefly
By the end of the episode, all of the characters had reached the town around Tar Valon and Moiraine has connected with each one. Perrin has had his back healed, after being tortured by the Whitecloaks, and Mat is at least temporarily cured of his dagger affliction. Moiraine has been banished from the White Tower, an emotional scene, even though it was planned between her and the Amyrlin Seat as a way to get her free of the Tower to take the potential Dragons to face the Dark One.
Moiraine has maneuvered them all to join her, along with Loial, to travel to The Eye of the World, where a momentous battle with the Dark One will take place. Each of the characters shows up at the appointed place, a gateway that Loial can guide them through. But, as the portal closes, Mat has chosen not to go with the crew. Another major departure from the books, as it appears he will not be there at The Eye of the World unless they find some other way to get him there.
Stay tuned for next week’s recap!